Consanguinity: (kŏn'săng-gwĭn'ĭtē) , relationship by blood, whether linear or collateral.

Primarily concentrating on my Browning family from Harrison County, Ohio (and their subsequent move to Crawford County, Illinois) but I've got Plymell, Crago, Eagleton, Garrard, McConnell, Nichols, Swan, Nevitt, Huls, Markee, Depperman, Papstein/Popstein and Hamilton in there too. And that's just the beginning......

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hippo Birdie Two Ewes

The title of today's post is a phonetic silliness that was exchanged between my daughter and I today on this, her 17th birthday. I usually celebrate ancestors on this blog. Today, I celebrate my only descendant.

Here's to you, my lovely young lady. I am so very, very proud to be your mom.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Slave Names Revealed -- The Will of James Camp of Spartanburg Co., SC (1817)

For my first post in months, I wanted to contribute to the CoAAG. I haven’t been able to post but I’ve been reading and I have to say, the groundswell of effort made in the genealogical community for this cause has thrilled and pleased me. If I was any whiter I’d be clear so I can’t walk in the shoes of those treated differently because of the color of their skin, but I have ancestors that were persecuted and murdered for their religious beliefs. So maybe, just maybe -- even if I can’t share their experiences precisely -- I can at least commiserate with some aspects. I do know that I can share the pride that comes with knowing that my forebears persevered in the face of overwhelming odds.

I feel strongly that the names of any enslaved persons we can locate should be put out there and shared with everyone. They may not have had last names then, but their descendants do now. They deserve – like everyone does – to know where they came from.

I have not located any of my own ancestors that owned slaves. Now that’s not to say I don’t have any, just that if I do I haven’t come across any in my nearly two decades of research. My ex-husband’s lines are another matter. Most of his lines are primarily from the southern states so there’s likely a number of them. Sadly I never spent the time on his lines that I have on my own so this is the only one that I’ve found , but I post it here now.

This is the will of my daughter's 6th g-grandfather, James Camp, of Spartanburg Co, SC. James was born around 1765 in Culpepper Co., VA and married Sarah Jennings around 1797 (perhaps in Nottaway Co., VA.) James and Sarah moved to Spartanburg Co., SC and apparently had a large plantation. James died in early 1817. His will was written in January of 1817 and was recorded the 15th day of May, 1817.

I know precious little about this family. James and Sarah's daughter Narcissus (b. 1800) -- my daughter's 5th g-grandmother -- married Thomas Desix Brian around 1820. Thomas and Narcissus had a son named Alfred Aaron Brian, who fought in the Civil War and was featured earlier in my blog here.

I hope someone finds this information helpful. Here’s to giving enslaved persons their names back.

-- Patti


In the Name of God Amen I James Camp of Spartanburgh Destrict being of sound mind memory and understanding for which I thank Almighty God and calling to mind the uncertainty of human life and desirious of desposing of such worldly estate as it has been pleased God to bless me with do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following viz. It is my will and desire that my my Just debts and funeral expenses be first paid.

Item 1st I give and bequeath unto my Sone Alphred a Negroe Boy named Carter when he arives to the age of twenty one years

Item 2d I give until my daughter Narsosissy a Negroe girl named Riah on her marriage day allso a good beast worth sixty dollars and a saddle

Item 3d I give unto my Sone George one Negroe Patrum when he arives to the age of twenty one years old One Negroe boy Name Jack

Item 4th I give my Sone Langly when he arrives at the age of twenty one years old one Negroe boy named Lewis

Item 5th I give to my daughter Harriet on her marriage day or arrives at lawful age one Negroe girl named Arrabell

Item 6th I give unto my two youngest sons James and William five hundred dollars each or one Negroe boy each Equil to the above Negroe boys which I give to my other sons when they arrive at the age of twenty one years old.

Item 7th I give to my beloved wife Sarah Camp the Balance of my Negroes, Viz) One fellow named Farmer, three wenches Dice, Jane and Claracy allso one small Negroe girl named Filler (Phyllis?) allso the whole of the Stock of every kind allso my dwelling house & plantation whereon I now live allso my mill and plantation adjoining to it over the river allso all my house hold and ketchen furniture Black smith tools and plantation utensels and stills it is to be further understood that she is to raise school Clothe the children Clear of Bord and when they come of age or marry she is to give them one horse Saddle and bridle each to be worth Eighty dollars all except Narsosissy allso one feather bed and furniture each and one cow and calf each.

Item 8th it is further my will that my loveing wife sell my land in Virginia and lay out the money in young negroes for the use of my children and allso my plantation on Buck Creek known by the name of West Harrisses place

Item 9th I will that the whole of my property left my wife during her life at her death by equelly devided amongst my children
Item 10th I will that all my land not mentioned bee Equilly devided amongst my children

Item 11th I Nominate my loving wife & James Young Executors to this my last will and testament here unto revoking and renouncein all other wills here to fore made by me in witness where of I have here unto set my hand

Seal the 28th day of January 1817

James Camp (seal)

Alexander Copeland
George McWilliams
William Copeland

Recorded 15th day of May 1817
Wm. Lancaster O.S.D.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Blog-O-Versary

I missed my blog's anniversary -- it was 11 February 2009. My little blog is a year old. Wow.

I promise I won't ignore you too much longer, Blog!