My cave is to the left -- you'll have to click on it to make it a bit bigger.
You can see the big oval picture of Delinda Jane (Plymell) Nichols suspended over my workspace. The smaller version, as well as a post I wrote about her, is here. There are a few random to

And as for the things you cannot see.......well, there is the old 50's Coca-Cola ice cooler that houses my collection of old photographs. I've been slowly scanning them all in but at least I've managed to make labels and groupings! It feels like such a monumental task when I look at it all as a whole. I try to think of it in small increments......
(And yes, the blanket you see to the left in the photo IS all those colors. Just thank your lucky stars you don't see my room. You'd think I stepped right out of the psychedelic 60's!)

Then there is my eyesore of a purple Browning file. It lives under my desk. It houses a LOT of files. It's over to the left.
My atlases of Ohio and Illinois are tucked under there too but you can't see them either
Anyway, that's my stuff. Thanks for the fun, Randy!
Wow you are so organized...and your file is perfect! It looks as though you could find anything in a second! Thank you for sharing.