Consanguinity: (kŏn'săng-gwĭn'ĭtē) , relationship by blood, whether linear or collateral.

Primarily concentrating on my Browning family from Harrison County, Ohio (and their subsequent move to Crawford County, Illinois) but I've got Plymell, Crago, Eagleton, Garrard, McConnell, Nichols, Swan, Nevitt, Huls, Markee, Depperman, Papstein/Popstein and Hamilton in there too. And that's just the beginning......

Friday, April 27, 2012

April 29th, 2012 - Scanfest!

I have never participated in a Scanfest before but I am bound and determined to start doing so.  The amount of records, photos, etc., that I have is simply astounding.  I was the only repository for my paternal grandmother AND grandfather's families and those people (I'm sorry, but it has to be said) were packrats!  Not that I'm complaining, mind you.  Packrats + Genealogy = Happiness!

Anyway, the Scanfest is being hosted by the AnceStories blog on Sunday, April 29th, from 11 AM to 2 PM, Pacific Daylight Time (that's 1 PM - 4 PM for those of us in Central.)  There will be live chatting along with the scanning to make it less tedious -- which is a brilliant idea.  For more information, hightail it over to this blog entry!

1 comment:

  1. Scanfest is a blast! You not only learn stuff, but the conversation is fun as heck!
